Parser First Release Candidate is Alive
Since the last update, we jumped from release 0.28.0 to 0.33.1. In the last two weeks we fixed a few bugs, in the parser and in the AsyncAPI JSON Schema that the parser is using for most of the validations. In case you have a Node.js application, you can also easily access the schema through a dedicated dependency. It was important not only to fix all those bugs but also to stop relying on our fork of the json-schema-ref-parser. Now we use the latest version of the upstream so it will be easier to bump into the latest versions.
Because of all those recent fixes, now was the moment to release our first release candidate for the parser. Give it a try and let us know what is missing!
Generator release candidate
We just released another release candidate for the Generator. The only new thing is the latest Parser release candidate to make it available to a broader audience. Say hello the release candidate number 8. Any bets we won’t go higher than 10?
AsyncAPI React Improvements
Our React component for rendering AsyncAPI files on a client-side has some improvements:
- Regex pattern of a given property is not displayed
- Displayed information that payload can or cannot have additional properties
This component also uses the latest parser release candidate. Try it out with this preview.
The Highlight of Interesting Discussions
HTML Generator vs React Component aka How to Stay DRY
At the moment, AsyncAPI organization has two components for rendering HTML out of the AsyncAPI document:
- HTML Template is based on the Generator and therefore, can be used only on a server. You can use it through its CLI in your CI/CD pipelines or host them as a Node.js application,
- AsyncAPI React is a component that can be used in a client-side application without an application server. Its limitation at the moment is that it can be used only with React.js as a dependency.
None of the above solutions is perfect, yet we still have to maintain both to support as many use cases as possible. That is why we want to make a change here and stay DRY. Join the discussion in this issue. We would like to replace current HTML template logic entirely and reuse the React component. There are two possible solutions we see:
- We could produce a kind of a bundle that would contain the React component, and there would be a simple index.html that would use it.
- We could try the approach of projects like Gatsby or Next.js that already use React to generate static sites.
AsyncAPI Special Interest Group (SIG) open meeting
The last meeting was canceled. It felt like the center of the holiday season.
The next meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, 18th of August, 4PM UTC.
We work on the agenda for the next meeting here. At the moment, there is nothing in the agenda so you can sneak in your topic easily.
We host the meeting on Zoom. Do not forget about future meetings and always have up to date invitations in your calendar by adding your email to this mailing list.
Curated Content
- How CloudEvents and AsyncAPI can help enable Event Driven Architecture - by Paul Taylor
- OpenAPI is the HTTP Binding in AsyncAPI - by Kin Lane
- Avro Schema Parser and others in AsyncAPI Initiative Status Update (week 31, 2020) - our last update where we discuss Avro schema parser.